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  1. With respect to the devotees into the Dhamma,
    Before I start writing my letter to you all, I would like to inform you all that I am not satisfied with the lawyer Dato YIP KUM FOOK Chairman of MCA Gombak Division because of his bad encouraging impression as he sent inspectors to come to SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION NO: 19 -21 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA to arrest me without any good reason, moreover, lawyer YIP KUM FOOK was not satisfied with the Chief Sami.
    When the Chief Sami had me go to the Temple he was already and he went and left Me alone to take care until the Chief Sami returned to the Temple and he also told me not to leave the Temple if any committee or chairman wanted to drive me out, you did not leave the Temple at all understand? Then I said, why? To the chief Sami! On the second day, YIP KUM FOOK (MCA Men) came to our Temple and spoke to me. He was tired of making some inquiries out of me and he asked me, where did I come from? I told him that I came from Penang.
    Later, I told lawyer YIP KUM FOOK (MCA Men) that the Chief Sami came to Penang and picked me up and invited me to accompany him to go to the temple in Kuala Lumpur. I am not aware that YIP KUM FOOK the Chairman of MCA Gombak Division is not on good terms with the Chief Sami, the Chief Sami is already in this way, YIP KUM FOOK is trying to create unnecessary problems with me.
    That is why, lawyer YIP KUM FOOK wanted to drive me out of the Temple. Then I asked the lawyer, why do you want to drive me out of the Temple? Besides, the Temple doesn't belong to you, UNDERSTAND? Then, I asked him, who are you? I don’t know you all, you have no right to drive me away or control me at all, UNDERSTAND? You are just like an ordinary person. Do you know the rules that any chairman or committee cannot control the Monks and nuns (Nuns) at all, also UNDERSTAND?
    I scolded him like that. Then the lawyer (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Men) was not happy with me and he told me that he would call the police to come to the Temple and arrest me. I told him to go ahead and called the police to come and arrest me. I will not run away, I told him like that. I have done anything wrong towards you, why do you want to arrest me? He said he didn't like me living here. I asked him, why? One more time. After this he became very angry with me, so he called the police and the police came to the Temple and told me to leave the Temple.
    I told the inspector again, I am sorry, I will not leave the Temple because the Chief Monk has instructed me not to leave the Temple without his consent, UNDERSTAND? Then the inspector told me to leave, again. I told him I could not leave the Temple because the Chief Sami was not coming back. This time, the inspector became very angry with me and he took handcuffs and tried to threaten me, so I immediately showed my hand for him to lock me up but he was scared, then again, the inspector told me to leave the Temple again but I still don't want to leave the Temple.
    Then I called the Chief Sami again and I told him that the inspector insisted on arresting me, you had better come back to settle the case for me. After this event, the Chief Sami came back to the Temple and took me to go to other temples and their lodgings. It's all about this incident! Finally, I would like to inform you all, that no committee or chairman can control all the Monks and nuns at all also UNDERSTAND? "They are taller than the King," too! So how do ordinary people, committees and chairmen to control them: - EVEN THE KING WHO IS ALSO RESPECTED SAMI-SAMI AND NUNS (Nuns). Why does the chairman of the Temple not respect the Monks and Nuns? They will carry sins later, UNDERSTAND?

    You Dhamma,
    Ven. Piya Phra Dhammo.
    Penang, Malaysia.

    Sharing by Lawrence yip… father is very good man, he is never cheating people..OK

  2. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK always uses the police to harass Buddhists(devotees) and monks because he is the chairman of MCA Gombak, a lawyer and BUDDHIST TEMPLE SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong....and he brings political ideas to play in religious places.

    He thinks, he has the power in Malaysia to reject anyone he does not as if in this country, also he must think that this country, Malaysia is a democratic country, rule as a sultan and so on.

    Now it's his karma turn and also a lot of bad news on internet social media say about him, he will suffer for the rest of his life, now also many people don't go to temple because people don't like this scammer DATUK YIP KUM FOOK

    We hope that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission - MACC will investigate Dato Yip Kum Fook as soon as possible, while Buddhists are not satisfied

    Shared by Keong, Jinjang selatan

  3. Datuk Yip Kum Fook took the monks out of the Temple because he was afraid that the monks would break his secret and then he called the police and thugs came to the Temple to harass the Buddhist monks, and his team locked the Temple doors to not allow the monks to enter....this is very bad karma for or in Buddhist teachings ...

    Today he can know what happened to him, MCA will lose power, a good temple like Samnak Sambodhi, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, will not collapse for one day...this is the law of nature in Buddhist he is always changing Buddhist monks to chant throwing bad things into the Temple..

    Many people say, Datuk Yip Kum Fook is afraid to come to his office lawyer and does not leave the house too, maybe he scares his own shadow to follow...this is very suffering forever, please do not bad things in this life

    Danny Yap…..Kepong, KL

  4. Datuk Yip Kum Fook always called the police and thugs(gangster) to disturb the Buddhists monks in Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Temple, recently many people understand your way of life, you do that because you want to control people to them according to your ideas and now many people are angry and do not like you because you do evil to them

    Everything that happened in Taman Desa Jaya and Taman Daya, Kepong... please suspect this Datuk Yip Kum Fook and his team because this is Datuk Yip Kum Fook is the biggest Ghost in the Kepong area, he is a lawyer and has the title of Datuk because (decades) people are afraid of him but now people know who Datuk Yip Kum Fook is

    We wrote a message to announce to the Chinese community that we understand and know who is causing problems in Kepong... when he was MCA chairperson (Taman Daya) many people suffered because he asked for money from our community, now many MCA members are also concerned about that.

    David Tan, Kepong (comment & post to website)

  5. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK use Buddhist Temple to play politics (MCA) because he made himself like very interesting in Buddhist practice, now many Buddhists know about what he did in Buddhist, people will reject when people are true in his history

    DATUK YIP KUM FOOK uses thugs (gangster) and police to harass people he does not like and against him, this is a very bad idea for human rights, now the Chinese people are not happy with him because there are people gossiping and sending messages or sharing messages on the internet.

    In our prediction, about Datuk Yip and he will suffer more and fortune will fall in the future because he did bad things to the Buddhist monks and cheated the Buddhist monks' money…

    He will not be able to solve his problem because he committed a great sin in Buddhism, he removed Buddhist monks (Sangha) from the Buddhist Temple and disturbed the previous committee of SAMNAK SAMBODHI (TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG) also closed Tuition for Malaysian SPM language class students and many more activity stop

    From Ah Keong, Cheras….Kuala Lumpur

  6. To Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong (President of the Malaysian Chinese Association)

    Di sini saya ingin mengatakan bahawa BN kalah bukanlah koncern BN tak baik, khas nya MCA kerana kebanyakan Ahli MCA cabangan bawah, pemimpinnya sudah berjaya sombong dan tidak berkhimat dan ular, olih itu mengakibatkan ramai Malay, Cina dan India naik marah dan kalah PRU teruk

    Contohnya, yang saya tahu Pengerusi MCA GOMBAK YIP JIUN HANN, dan Datuk Yip Kum Fook(Bapanya).. mereka ular sampai wang Tokong pun berani telang dan halau Sami Buddha keluar dari tokong, orang ramai benci MCA.

    Sekarang dalam internet terlalu ramai yang mengadu tentang mereka (Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan Yip Jiun Hann), Tuan kena buat sesuatu, kami masyarakat Cina di Kepong dan ahli MCA, juga kami amat memalukan kaum lain.

    Sekira MCA cuba ingin memulit nama baik dan sokongan olih orang ramai semula, pemimpin seperti ini patut di kikis dengan bersih dalam parti, Kalau tidak sampai bila pun susah memulit semangat

    Sekian, Terima kasih

    Yap Leong Fah

  7. Simon Low Kok Meng ialah Datuk Yip Kum Fook adik ipar dan CID, kerana membawa maklumat berita kepada keluarga datuk Yip, kena berhati-hati dengan mereka, selalu mendatangkan masalah kepada orang kepong dan Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, sekarang ramai yang tahu tentang apa yang mereka lakukan

    Semua perkara yang mereka lakukan seperti membakar Kuil Hindu (Taman Daya) dan mengeluarkan sami-sami Buddha dari Samnak Sambodhi atau kuil Buddha di Taman Desa jaya, kepong...juga MCA runtuh kerana mereka juga, mereka mendapat kuasa untuk mendapatkan wang dan untuk mereka berniaga

    Cina, India, Melayu dan lain-lain perlu berhati-hati yang tinggal di Kepong, kerana golongan ini boleh melakukan sesuatu kepada semua orang. Datuk Yip Kum Fook ialah seorang peguam (YIP KUM FOOK & ASSOCIATES) No 2A & 2B, Tingkat 2, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan... tetapi ada orang atau kawan-kawannya berkata, Datuk Yip Kum Fook bukan peguam sebenar, kerana Datuk Yip membeli sijil dari beberapa institut undang-undang di UK sahaja

    Kami berharap kini presiden Malaysia (Datuk Seri Anwar) akan menyemak Datuk Yip Kum Fook kerana banyak komen dan posting di internet, dan ramai orang mengesyaki melakukan projek haram dan kesilapan undang-undang di Malaysia

    Perkongsian dan siaran oleh Encik Chong dan keluarga, Kepong

  8. Venerable PHRA PIYA DHAMMO is a retired police officer of the Singapore narcotics criminal investigation department, after he retired and he joined the monastic life at the Mahindarama Temple in Penang under Venerable Dr. Elgiriye Indarathana, the incumbent chief at the time

    Later, he practiced Buddhist teachings, Dhamma, and temple rules by wearing white clothes for three years before being ordained a Buddhist monk and he lived with a chief monk for five years to study full subjects in Buddhism to follow the rules of Vinaya (culture, morality, meditation and others)

    Therefore, my Master (Phra Piya Dhammo) said, he travelled to many places to practice the Dhamma and gain more experience in the areas of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Melaka

    And he stopped at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong for training under a good MASTER there, but so many Ghosts to be bothered as YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer), this YIP KUM FOOK is the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI and YIP KUM THIS FOOK also called the police to arrest him, using that annoying gangster as well

    Many things my Master told us about him traveling for Dhamma training, the worst place in SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE because YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer) did not respect the monks and other committee members


  9. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK and his brother-in-law (SIMON LOW KOK MENG) kicked Buddhist monks out of the Buddhist Temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong) a few years ago

    The evil never stops from people's thoughts, gossip, and so on, and because DATUK YIP KUM FOOK is a great sinner in Buddhism, he cannot run away with this bad karma forever in this life and the next life and his family will falls in what he does with the Buddhist Sangha

    He understands that the Sangha is our Buddha disciples, any monk has to live by the Sangha laws of their community, and they cannot just wear yellow robes and serve the devotees.

    Now the news is all on the internet, we hear from people, he gives some money to someone to delete comments on the internet but people are sharing and forwarding all those messages more and more

    By Luck Pang and Lee Keong….Taman Daya, Kepong


  10. Anonymous said...
    Ketua Belia MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN,
    Berkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri,
    Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim?
    Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.
    Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A

    Kami Yang Benar,

  11. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK banyak melakukan kejahatan kepada orang di kawasan Kepong, lelaki (Datuk Yip) ini mengganggu ramai isteri orang, membakar Kuil Hindu di Taman Daya, mengeluarkan sami Buddha dari Kuil di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, dan menipu wang.

    ENCIK SIMON LOW KOK MENG (Taman Daya) adalah pembantu (CID) Datuk Yip atau abang iparnya, berapa ramai yang memboikot mereka, Banyak sangat masalah di kawasan Kepong, kerana Datuk Yip Pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya, Kepong. . , dia dibayar wang kepada polis dan DBKL untuk mengganggu orang ramai, dan sebagainya

    YIP KUM POH No: 19B, Jalan Sg 1/9, Taman Industri Bolton, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor Malaysia (pejabat peguam) YIP KUM POH bukan peguam tetapi boleh membuka pejabat peguam, dia adalah adik lelaki Datuk Yip Kum Fook….”MALAYSIA BOLEH”

    Kami tidak senang ketika itu kerana kami berada di bawah kawalan MCA di tempat kami, dan juga Datuk Yip telah digunakan oleh Gangster di kawasan Kepong dan Gombak, kami tidak berharap kepada MCA lagi dan kami adalah kumpulan yang meletak jawatan dari MCA

    Kami telah mendengar, bahawa AGONG MALAYSIA (Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim) telah mengambil kembali (Tarik) GELARAN DATUK (Datuk's title), dan kami akan menulis kepada Agong tentang perkara ini

    DATUK YIP KUM FOOK (Lawyer) tidak fikir orang bodoh dan anda boleh menghina Buddha dan Hindu tetapi tentang Islam, anda dihina jika anda tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal.

    Oleh Ah Keong, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur

  12. Anonymous said...
    Ketua Belia MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN,
    Berkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri,
    Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim?
    Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.
    Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A

    Kami Yang Benar,
    Tuan Yip, kamu tidak menyentuh agamaku (Islam) kerana kamu menghantar mesej tentang Islamku dengan teruk dan menghina NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. di internet, jika anda berbuat demikian sekali lagi, saya serius akan melakukan sesuatu kepada anda
    oleh Zulkifli Mohamad

  13. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK sangat jahat kerana menggunakan polis dan gangster untuk menghalau sami Buddha keluar dari kuil, memaksa semua sami Buddha keluar dari kuil secepat mungkin, dll.

    Kemudian Sami Buddha perlu keluar dari Kuil kerana mereka atau pasukan DATUK YIP KUM FOOK kuat dan garang, beberapa sami perlu ke hotel untuk berehat, dan beberapa penganut membawa sami ke rumah mereka di Kepong Baru

    Kalau ada yang tak percayakan kami, sila hubungi Ah Wah, Selayang...Bob Tan, Ah Chuah, dll.... adalah saksi kejadian pada hari tersebut.

    Segala-galanya tidak akan dilupakan oleh penganut Buddha di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, dan kami akan menghantar maklumat ini kepada dunia Buddha(Buddhist) dan Dunia Buddha Sangha dan juga berkongsi di internet

    Oleh Yap, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong

  14. Datuk Yip Kum Fook meletakkan Datuk pada tahap yang rendah kerana menggunakan nama Datuk untuk menipu orang, Menipu wang Kuil Buddha, dll.

    Ramai orang berkata dia melakukan Samnak Sambodhi kepada hartanya kerana dia membuat dokumen untuk Samnak Sambodhi(Kuil) kerana anaknya berkata Kuil itu milik bapanya (Yip Kum Fook)

    Gelaran Datuk sangat tinggi di Malaysia tetapi Datuk Yip Kum Fook ini pernah menipu orang, jika suatu hari nanti, Semua sultan dan Agong tahu cerita itu, sultan-sultan akan sedih, dan semua Datuk akan tidak senang dan bimbang tentang belakang.

    Ramai yang mengesyaki Datuk Yip Kum Fook melakukan perkara yang menyalahi undang-undang kerana dia mempunyai banyak wang di Malaysia dan di luar negara, dan ramai kanak-kanak hilang, mungkin itu rancangan, tetapi kerajaan Malaysia perlu menyemaknya.

    Encik Simon Low Kok Meng adalah pembantu mencari berita untuk Datuk Yip Kum Fook, Simon Low ini juga perlu berhati-hati, dia tidak mempunyai pekerjaan dan hanya bergantung kepada datuk Yip Kum Fook.

    Dari Wah dan Kawan-kawan(Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong)
