SEREMBAN: Police here are looking for three suspects involved in causing injuries with a machete during a robbery attempt at Mydin Mall hypermarket in Seremban 2, on Saturday.
Seremban district police chief, ACP Muhamad Zaki Harun said in the incident, a technician was injured on his back and chest.
He in the incident, the victim and his wife and two children had just come out of his car to get into the hypermarket.
“After his car was locked, the victim was approached by three men in a Proton Perdana V6 car which stopped behind the victim’s car. One of the suspects then brandished a machete to threaten the victims and asked the man to hand over his car keys,” he said in a statement, here, today.
“The victim refused, causing the suspects to hit him with the back of the machete and when the victim’s wife and children fled for help, another suspect came, hitting and kicking the victim.
“The victim then threw his car keys, but was still being assaulted with the machete and kicked several times.”
The suspects fled after several people came to the scene.
Mohammed Zaki said the initial investigation revealed that the car used by the suspects had been reported missing in Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur on Aug 21.
He said the case was being investigated under Section 394 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing hurt while committing robbery. — BERNAMA
Below story from Facebook:-
Cubaan Samun Kereta di Mydin Seremban2**
Ya Allah!! Syukur kerana kami sekeluarga masih dipanjangkan umur..
Smlm 5/9/15 lbh kurang 3.15pm, kami pergi ke Mydin S2 sbb si kakak nk mkn nasi aym..kami parking di tingkat ats mydin kwsan open air konon nk dkt dgn entrnce..ank2 turun dgn hsbnd kt sblh driver..sy trun sblh penumpang..sy tutup je pintu tibe2 terdengar suami mnjerit "Allahuakbar"..dlm kepala sy "hah!!ank ak kena langgar ke?" Sy pn blari nk tgk..pny la mnggeletar bila hsbnd yg tgh dukung si adk tgh diacukan parang kt leher..si kakak plak dpt lari..sy trus mnjerit & tarik kakak & lari ke arah entrance smbil menjerit minta tlg pd org ramai yg ada kt itu..terdengar suami mnjerit dr jauh..hny Allah je tau ape yg ada dlm hati & kepala ni..sy pth blk ke arah suami & adk..sy tgk adk tgh mnangis kt bwh..penymun dh lari msk kereta..
Masa pergelutan tu hsbnd ltk adk ke bwh & campak kunci kereta jauh hope pnyamun tu g amik so blh larikan diri..penyamun tu terus tetak blakang hsbnd guna bhagian blakang parang..sorg lg trun dr kereta tendang dada hsbnd & diorg lari msk kereta..sy sempat lari tgk no.plat kereta..WTK4303 perdana v6 warna hitam..3 lelaki melayu..
Syukur sgt suami & ank selamat..syukur sgt Allah lindungi ank2 kami seolah2 dikaburi pandangan penyamun2 tersebut pd ank kami..kami sekeluarga masih trauma..
Peringatan utk semua..berhati2 walau dimana berada..dh byk kali benda2 mcm ni jd kt Mydin S2..security system mmg worst..main entrance langsung x ada security..lps kejadian pihak management refused utk jumpa kami..bila sy naik hantu baru nk turun itu pn lps hmpir 2 jam..katenye ni incident kecik..kepala hangguk bapak kau..ko nk tggu laki ngn ank aku mati ke baru ko nk ckp kemalangan besar..bangang pny management #MydinS2..stakat hantar kotak first aid je pastu pandai2 kami la ek??..tak kena btg hidung ko blh la ckp cmtu..Bangang!!
To #MYDIN! You really need to improve and secure all the customers!!
Puan Rase

Read more: http://www.theborneopost.com/2015/09/08/seremban-police-looking-for-three-suspects-causing-injuries-in-attempted-robbery/#ixzz3l6P5JO8D
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